Confessions of a dealer: Sam Gordon
The most underrated art movement is…
Souls Grown Diaspora—the next step after Souls Grown Deep, when the Great Migration led artists such as Frederick Weston and Otis Houston Jr. north to New York, Chicago and Detroit.
It’s never too late to…
Open a gallery.
It always bothers me when…
Interesting artists are under-recognised.
My favourite book is…
Sanou Oumar: Drawings, which was published earlier this year by Pre-Echo Press (founded by Matt Connors) at Karma Books. Designed by Omar Sosa of Apartamento magazine with a text by Matt Paweski, it is a perfect book.
Our gallery always…
Pays artists first.
The Frieze New York fair certainly has…
A great emerging gallery section, Frame. Curious to see Company, New York, with Jonathan Lyndon Chase, and Marinaro, New York, with Anthony Iacono.
I tend to forget to…
I don’t forget anything; some things I would like to.
Life is too short to…
Not be a feminist.
I love it when artists…
Surprise me.
The next big thing is…
The artist Tabboo!
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