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How to get rich in 2023: 3 motivational books written by millionaires

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How to get rich in 2023: 3 motivational books written by millionaires

“The Richest Man in Babylon” by George Clason

The author is sure that financial laws in the 21st century differ little from the economic trends of ancient Babylon. 6,000 years ago, people understood how to handle money properly: save, keep track of expenses, make income multiply, protect capital, ensure a prosperous future, expand earning opportunities, etc. The book is written in the form of a collection of parables that will help you look into the essence of financial problems and accumulate skills to earn and increase money, as the inhabitants of Babylon did.

“How to turn 5 dollars into 50 billion. Strategy and tactics of a large investor”, Warren Buffett

This book is a guide for people who want to invest, but do not know where to start and how to act correctly. Warren Buffett is a world famous billionaire, and based on his experience, readers will understand the rules of successful investing. He lays out in plain language the universal principles of action for any investor: do not buy shares of small or medium-sized companies, do not succumb to the enthusiasm of the crowd, do not invest in dubious businesses, independently study stock market sentiment in real time, etc. The main thing is to have patience and wait for favorable conditions for buying shares.

“Think like a millionaire. 17 lessons of abundance for those who are ready to get rich”, Harv Eker

According to the author, all attempts to get rich will be doomed to failure if a financial program that attracts money is not embedded in a person, configured for success. However, even in the absence of it in the first place, you can make an effort to change your program and become a magnet for attracting wealth. The book tells how to do it: it takes concentration, perseverance, patience, competence, courage, sacrifice, risk of loss, etc. Anyone who is ready for incredible efforts will find effective instructions in the book.

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