Milkshake-Throwing 8-Bit Games : Political Shakedown game
The Political Shakedown Game Encourages Standing Up to Hate
The game, highlighting the throwing of milkshakes at individuals who many argue propagate messages of hate in politics, is described by NOW creative director Laura Muse as an opportunity to spread the positive message of the Stop Hate UK organization and a reminder of the importance of standing up to hate in all its forms. The Political Shakedown game was created by Muse, developer Paul Blackburn, and designer Jordan Dicks of the NOW agency and production company Jelly London.
The Political Shakedown game is, however, just that; the game directs users to become more involved in the cause by donating the cost of a “fancy” milkeshake to the anti-hate efforts of the Stop Hate UK at the end of the Political Shakedown game.
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