Pat McNulty Updates the Aesthetics of Iconic Rooms on TV Shows
Rooms on TV shows have a strong appeal as the set design has a specialized focus. Yet, the medium produces artifacts, hence, these spaces don’t really age with time as the rest of the world does. Interior design consultant Pat McNulty works alongside creative studio NeoMam to envision what some iconic rooms on TV shows would look like in the contemporary design sense. Posted on BudgetDirect’s blog, the collaborators reimagined the Joyce Byers’ living room (Stranger Things), Walter White’s kitchen (Breaking Bad), Alicia Florrick’s home office (The Good Wife), Don and Megan’s bedroom (Mad Men), Rory’s childhood bedroom (Gilmore Girls), and Monica Geller’s bathroom (Friends).
The modernized version of these fictitious spaces are not only entertaining but also offer a spur of inspiration for those who are actually doing interior design work in their respective environment.
Images: Budget Friendly (featured with permission)
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