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Satirical Smart Home Ads : State Farm Smart Living

Satirical Smart Home Ads : State Farm Smart Living


Satirical Smart Home Ads : State Farm Smart Living


The State Farm ‘Smart Living’ Campaign Targets Asian-American Audiences

The State Farm ‘Smart Living’ ad pokes fun at smart home technology and targets an Asian-American audience. Conceived by Chicago-based creative agency Fluent360, the commercial features a young couple and chronicles them as they try to navigate the various smart features of their home, only to run into problems before having to call their State Farm agent.

Targeting a market that the insurance company felt was under-represented in the media, this commercial aims to dispel stereotypes and incorporates “fresh story lines that reflect aspects of Asian culture, such as a love for technology” and also includes Mandarin Chinese subtitles that are paired with both Mandarin and English dialogue scenes.

Spotlighting what can happen when smart technology goes wrong, the State Farm ‘Smart Living’ ad addresses a Millennial-friendly topic while also appealing to comedy fans.

Image Credit: Fluent360


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