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Encouraging Exploration Campaigns : explore mode

Encouraging Exploration Campaigns : explore mode


Encouraging Exploration Campaigns : explore mode


The North Face Invites People to Try “Explore Mode” on Earth Day

People who want to enjoy some time away from their digital devices commonly activate airplane mode and this Earth Day, The North Face is hoping to introduce consumers to a similar concept with “Explore Mode.” The Explore Mode campaign is all about getting people to log off, shut their devices down and unplug to connect with the great outdoors.

On Earth Day this year, The North Face will be closing all of its stores across North America to give its employees time to engage Explore Mode on their own. The North Face will also be calling for the day to become a nationally recognized holiday in the United States.

To inspire people to get out and enjoy nature, The North Face will be offering free experiences and partnering with musicians, artists and culinary influencers in global cities.


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