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Sustainable Hemp Cosmetic Packaging

Sustainable Hemp Cosmetic Packaging


Sustainable Hemp Cosmetic Packaging

Non Gender Specific, the gender0etural skincare brand “for all humans,” is celebrating its 3-year anniversary with the launch of a new sustainable packaging iniatiive. The brand is not only committed to supporting equality but now aims to eliminate landfill waste and increase the use of recyclable and industrially compostable materials for beauty consumers.Non Gender Specific’s new packing is manufactured with 100% renewable energy and is made from 80% post-consumer waste and 10% hemp paper. So far, the brand has already saved approximately 13 trees, 1,100 gallons of water, 46 pounds of solid waste, and 5,700 pounds of CO2.The gender-neutral skincare brand now also boasts new sustainable certifications with Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Processed Chlorine Free (PCF), and Green-e, and will continue its pursuit of eco-friendly innovations.Image Credit: Non Gender Specific

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